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Dr. Anthony Fauci, M.D., Comments on the Critical Role of Animals in Developing a COVID-19 Vaccine

Clip provided by Americans for Medical Progress. Original briefing by The White House March 26, 2023

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老王 2.2.7


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老王 2.2.7

Researchers are turning to nontraditional approaches to create vaccines and therapeutics

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NIH-supported scientists reverse HIV and SIV latency in two animal models

Findings represent progress toward an HIV cure.


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“It’s very exciting to see this trial starting so quickly and we hope it’s successful,”


Animal Study Offers Hope for Treating Traumatic Brain Injuries

"Inhibitory neurons are critically involved in many aspects of memory, and they are extremely vulnerable to dying after a brain injury,"

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Increased Neuronal Activity Shortens Lifespan in Animals

“It’s an intriguing idea that as people get older our neurons may actually become more active and that simple inhibition of this activity might be sufficient to lengthen lifespan,”

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OHSU doc dreams of lifetime immunity with one flu shot

“You don’t really know fear until your kids get sick and you think something’s terribly wrong,”

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